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Автор Тема: XX Moscow International Veterinary Congress  (Прочитано 24680 раз)
Константиновский А.А.
Сообщений: 2042

Просмотр профиля WWW
« : 28. 04. 2012, 15:05:26 »

Moscow international Congress had place in Izmailovo hotel in 21-24 of April. It was XX Jubilee Congress. More then 3200 delegates from different countries came to it.

In the 3d day of congress ophthalmological section was. The topic of ophthalmological section was “Cat it is not a little dog”. More then 375 delegates came to this section.

Lecturing day was separate for 2 parts.

The first part was started by Dr. Konstantinovsky. He thanks all sponsors (International Scientific Veterinary Centre Zoovet (Russia), Company Westmedica (Austria) and ESVO), delegates and lectors. Then he invite everyone to ESVO annual meeting in Kracow and talked about lottery (the main prize was free participation in scientific part of ESVO Congress).
Then Dr. Franck Olliver (DVM, Phd, Dipl. ACVO, Dipl. ECVO, CESOpht. Vet, MRCVS) from Canada had lecture on feline ophthalmology. Translation was done by Dr. Konstantinovsky. The lecture was in unique atmosphere of natural communication between lector and auditor.

The second part consist of lecturing of Russian lectures. There were 7 main topics:
Dr. Perepechaev “Pathology of the lens. Is a dog the same as a cat?”
Dr. Oleinic “Corneal seqestrum”
Dr. Pavlova “Superficial corneal erosion in dogs and cats”
Dr. Shilkin “Our experience in using of stem cells in ophthalmology”
Dr. Solomahina “Feline and canine conjunctivitis’
Dr. Vorobieva “Infection agents in etiology of small animal ocular diseases”
Dr. Konstantinovsky “Eyelids neoplasia in dogs and cats”

In the end lottery was done and Dr. Diaconova from Moscow won the main prize.

So, the ophthalmological section and master class was the most successful in XX International Moscow Congress. Many thanks for all delegates, lectors and sponsors.

Dr. Alexander Konstantinovsky.
« Последнее редактирование: 03. 05. 2012, 18:07:07 от Константиновский А.А. » Записан
Константиновский А.А.
Сообщений: 2042

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« Ответ #1 : 03. 05. 2012, 18:06:50 »

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