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Автор Тема: First veterinary phacoemmulsification course in Russia  (Прочитано 15680 раз)
Константиновский А.А.
Сообщений: 2042

Просмотр профиля WWW
« : 11. 07. 2012, 18:11:12 »

In 10-13 of June 2011 first veterinary phacoemmulsification course in Russia was done. Partners of this course was companies WestMedica, Alcon and Acrivet.

It was 3 days course with wetlab.

There were 8 trainees from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Tyumen. 

Organizers UralSVA and Dr. Konstantinovsky.

Speakers: Dr. Konstantinovsky (lead speaker), Dr. Laptev (d.m., phd, chief surgeon of State Institution IRTC (Intersectoral Research and Technology Complex) "Eye Microsurgery" named after academician S.N. Fedorov)

The course covered in recreation facility near Yekaterinburg. Habitation, training and nutrition was in one cottage.

First day was devoted to cataract (anatomy, embryology of the lens, cataracts, diagnostic in cataract patients) and introduction to intraocular surgery. After the lunch lecturing day was continued by Alcon`s speakers. They talked about phacomashine`s structure, viscoelastics, IOLs and expendable materials in cataract surgery.

Wetlab was devoted to cuts, paracentesis, sutures and studing of phacomashins.

In the evening was open air barbecue with free communications.

Second day started on Dr. Laptev`s lecture about cataract surgery in medicine (history and principles of cataract surgery, cataract surgery step by step). Then Dr. Konstantinovsky told about differences between human’s and animal’s in cataract surgery.

After the lunch wetlab was. It was devoted to capsulorecsis, phacoemulsification, IOL implantation. 

In the evening was tour on Yekaterinburg`s places of interest and dinner.


In the morning in third day was wetlab on phacoemulsification with IOL implantation. After the lunch all trainees went to the clinic. There was diagnostic and live surgery of 4 dogs with cataract. Diagnostic and surgery was done by Dr. Konstantinovsky. All trainees saw live surgery with comments on big monitor in surgery room.
Константиновский А.А.
Сообщений: 2042

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« Ответ #1 : 11. 07. 2012, 18:31:07 »

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